About The Blog

I decided to title the blog “Life of a paleo college student” simply because that’s the first thing that popped into my head, and because I am, in fact, a “paleo” college student. I get it, the name is a bit lame but I’ve still got a year & a half left of being a college student. Figure I might as well milk it for what it’s worth until I graduate & have to come up with something more creative.

I started blogging via http://paleocollegestudent.tumblr.com/ while I was abroad last quarter (Fall 2013) in Wales, UK & enjoyed it so much that I’ve decided to continue blogging on a more legitimate website that allows me to do cool/more official bloggish stuff (like this About page.. so cool.)

Anyway this blog will continue to serve as a spot for me to share my everyday thoughts and tips for maintaining a paleo diet while away from home. I guess you could compare this blog to an online paleo diary. I started the blog both for myself, as a way to collect all the pictures, ideas, recipes, etc. of my paleo lifestyle into one central location, and for other people out there who are trying to get started with or continue their own paleo lifestyle.

Since I am a college student this blog will be especially relevant for other students and my hopes are that I can help others out there in my same position. But my posts also meant for anyone else who finds themselves traveling regularly (or ever), time constrained, on a budget, in need of a new recipe, or just interested in some quick paleo/food blog reading (guilty pleasure anyone?)

I’m also looking forward to expanding the blog a bit more & start posting about recipes I’ve made from other’s cookbooks or that I’ve come up with myself. So keep checking in, I’ve got a never ending list of ideas for upcoming blog posts! Let me know if you’ve got any questions or suggestions for me & please share my blog with anyone you think it could benefit!

4 Responses to About The Blog

  1. breannathedinogirl says:

    As someone who’s about to jump on the college train (seriously, I get on a plane in less than a month!) I am glad that I found this blog!

  2. Hey, I love your blog and I wanted to let you know I nominated you for a blogger award called “The Inspiring Blogger Award”. You can read about it here >> http://runsweateatrepeat.com/2014/07/04/the-very-inspriring-blogger-award/ I hope you’ll participate and pass it along!

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